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N31, Swarn Nagri, Gate No 2 Near MSX Mall, Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh 201308
+91 95993 47834 | info@victoryworldschool.com

Code of Conduct

Discipline leads to perfection, at VWS we adhere to certain code of conduct to ensure
ethical behavior as well as facilitate the smooth functioning of school.

Code of Conduct

Discipline leads to perfection, at VWS we adhere to certain code of conduct to ensure
ethical behavior as well as facilitate the smooth functioning of school.

The basic rules and regulations to be followed are:

  • The students must reach 10 minutes before the school timings. The late comers may not be allowed to enter the school without any valid reason.
  • The students must attend school regularly, be on time and be prepared for all classes and school activities.
  • The School Almanac as well as the Identity Card must be bought to school every day. Almanac (Rs.150) and Identity Card (Rs.100) can be taken from the school office.
  • Victory World School believes in uniformity. Students must wear proper school uniform. The house uniform must be worn on Wednesdays and Saturdays. Defaulters without any valid reason shall be sent back home.
  • Student must treat all school property and the property of others with respect and care. Any damage to the same will lead to disciplinary action.
  • Students must dress in a neat and a presentable manner without the application of fancy clips, nail paints and jewellery for girls and hair gel for boys.
  • The students must complete their homework and keep their work up to date.
  • Every student must have at least 80% attendance. Irregularity will invite disciplinary action.
  • Students must stay in school premises during school hours. No student should leave the school premises without the permission of the class teacher and the Principal.
  • Change of classroom between periods should be done in silence and in an orderly manner.
  • No valuable devices like mobile phone, tablets and other expensive gadgets to be bought to school by any student. A penalty of Rs.2000 will be charged to the defaulters of the same rule.
  • Student must take of their own belongings and school will not be responsible for any loss.
  • No student must report to sick room without the permission of class teacher on their almanacs

In general, students are expected to.

  • Work to the best of their capability
  • Behave in a courteous manner towards others regardless of individual differences, e.g., race, gender, language or opinion)
  • Live and act within the boundaries of behavior necessary to minimize danger to themselves as well as others.
  • Act within the limits of the law and not bring to school: drugs, alcohol, cigarettes (matches or lighters) or weapons of any sort (real or toy weapons).
  • Bullying (physical, verbal, emotional and/or electronic) is not tolerated
  • Learn to express emotions in a socially acceptable manner
  • Use good manners at all times in the school.